Events, media and publications by, with and about Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier and DBC Enterprise IT Consulting.


05/2024 Hope to see you at Nov.19-22., 2024

03/2024 New contract in a data analytics project

01/2024 We have uploaded a video on how to use the Splunk dashboard (see here) in German


11/2023 New contract in a transformation project

11/2023 Hope to see you at MITEXX, Mainz 9./10. November 2023

11/2023 Video of how to connect Splunk to a Postgres database and have data inserted in the database using a Python script. This one is in German (, English version is coming up.

10/2023 More Splunk trainings completed for Bundesdruckerei. See here for trainings provided by us.

01/ 2023 New contracts on Cyber Security, SIEM, Splunk and Data Science with Python (Apache Spark / PySpark / Databricks) on Cloud environments with an even greater team


11 and 12 / 2022 Successfully providing training courses about Splunk (‘… exactly what I was looking for…’)
10/2022 Welcoming new Team Member for Splunk and Python

08/2022 Offizieller Praxispartner ‘IU Duales Studium’

06/ 2022 Speaker at Machine Learning Conference in Munich, June 2022: How Machine Learning is (becoming) creative


In 2021, contracts in fraud protection with Machine Learning continued strongly, as well as for predictive maintenance. Additionally training courses were provided for cyber security (Splunk) and Apache Spark/GraphX.

Hope to see you at ML 2021, Berlin

Advances in Machine Learning Systems – from GPUs to Quantum

ADMIN | Network & Security Magazine

In the upcoming 02/2021 issue of ADMIN | Network & Security magazine, a bi-monthly technical journal for system administrators, first-published 2010, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier articleComputer Cop: Machine Learning and Security” addresses the use of Machine Learning for risk mitigation and defence from cybercrime.
In English only

Events | December 2020

IT-Tage 2020 Remote

At the IT-Tage 2020 (lit. “IT days 2020”) remote conference for Software Development, Architecture, Database and Management on December 7-10, typically hosted in Frankfurt am Main, Germany,  Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier‘s  morning session on December was held in English and covered how cybersecurity currently uses Machine Learning (ML) approaches, hands-on examples, risk mitigation from cyberattacks, and a future outlook.

Media | December 2020

Linux Magazin 12/2020

IT infrastructure cybercrime is one of the greatest risks for private and public companies, institutions and organizations. In the article “Machine Learning und Security”, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier explores the growing role of Machine Learning in the defense against criminal attacks on IT infrastructure.
In German only

Events | December 2019

The Conference for Machine Learning Innovation 2019

At the ML conference on December 9-11 in Berlin, Germany, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier’s  session on December 11, All You Need to Know Now about (deep) Reinforcement Learning, offered a pragmatic 45 minute primer on the foundations of reinforcement learning and how it evolved to current successes. The session included live demos with insights on Q-Learning principles and an outlook into future applications in specific industry areas such as pharmacy and logistics.

“I really like the highly structured presentation and the way the speaker provided a broad overview of reinforcement learning. Exactly what I wanted to hear 🙂 One of my favorite talks of the day!”

Events | November 2019

The Big Data Conference Europe 2019

At this three-day technical conference focused on the fields of Big Data, High Load, Data Science, Machine Learning and AI, Dr. Bühlmeier’s session on November 27, 2019 focused on the Breakthroughs and Future of Deep Reinforcement Learning

The session was highly appreciated and scored an officially rating of “High” by 80 out of the 101 attendees.

Links to the full presentation (in English) are available here for video and slides.

Media | October 2019

Enwickler Magazin Spezial Vol. 22: Architektur

A revised version for print of Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier article on how to quickly get started with deep learning using Keras, Tensor Flow and a strategy of not taking into account various options and optimizing – rather start quickly and then dive into the background. Previously published online at, the article is now also available in the latest issue of the print magazine Entwickler Spezial, focused on Architecture – Methods and Solutions for Software Development

In German only (a non-literal translation in English of the original online publication is available in the BLOG section of this site.)

Publications | April 2019

Einstieg ins Machine Learning – Grundlagen, Prinzipien, erste Schritte

In this ebook on the basics, principles and first steps into Machine Learning by Magazine (in German), co-author Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier outlines the mathematical foundations for machine learning and showcases some of its most important and popular algorithms.
In German only 

Media | September 2018

Entwickler Magazin Spezial Vol.17: Machine Learning

“Machine Learning: how the machines learn to learn” is the theme of this special edition of Entwickler magazine, to which Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier contributed with the opening feature article, an in-depth mathematical look at the root of Machine Learning.
In German only

Events | June 2018

The Conference for Machine Learning Innovation 2018

At this conference running June 18-20, 2018 in Munich, Germany, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier’s pragmatic session on June 19, “Kick-Start your Understanding of Machine Learning with Python”, focused on how to quickly build Machine Learning applications and understand what happens ‘under the hood’ using Python and by showcasing two examples: unsupervised and supervised learning for text classification.

Publications | May 2018

Kick-start Deep Learning mit TensorFlow und Keras

How does one quickly get into deep learning? With his kick-start guide, published in, the German online IT media channel associated with Entwickler magazine that publishes IT news and information on tools, technologies and techniques for software developers, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier explains how to quickly set up an example with Python and the Keras package running. It’s not about taking into account various options and optimizing but about starting quickly – and then dive into the background. 
In German only (a non-literal translation in English is available in the BLOG section of this site.)

Academic Papers | 1994-98

While working as lecturer and researcher at the Universities of Bremen (alma mater, FB Informatik) and Dortmund, Dr. Andreas Bühlmeier published numerous scientific papers. His PhD thesis “Analog Neural Networks in Autonomous Systems” (1996) was based on and included extensive,  high empathy innovative research in the field.